Quarantine Thoughts

This is an extremely strange time right now….I don’t know about you all, but I felt like my life turned upside down when the stay at home order began. I had a really hard time the first week and half. I felt so stuck and would space out for a full hour at a time. I knew exactly what I could be doing, but my body was completely paralyzed.

Thankfully, Josh (my boyfriend) is amazing and helped me write down in the moment three solutions to help me get unstuck. Seems so simple right? Like why didn’t I do that on day 1 of feeling stuck?

It is HARD! This is one of the biggest stigmas around mental health that exists. People tell you things like “Just do it.” To those with anxiety, you are told “Just calm down.” To those with depression, you are told “Just think happy thoughts.” To those with eating disorders, you are told “Just eat more food.”. You are so much more than all of the stigmas out there, and you deserve the reminder that it is really really hard to make those positive changes to feel better.

The most important part is that you don’t get stuck in how hard it is. Give yourself the time to accept that and feel what you need to feel…..THEN make a plan. Simple small goals were and continue to be my best friend.

My three goals were to write, read, and move my body in some capacity once a day. I literally wrote out these three things on a post it and checked them off as I completed them each day.

Is everyday perfect? Not a chance.

Am I giving up? Nope.

Will I persevere? You bet!

This may sound silly to some, but whenever I had a negative thought pop into my head about completing any of these things, I said something positive about myself out loud. There is an underestimated magic in positive thought. We are so quick to hype others up, but what about ourselves? You my dear are so deserving of all of the love in the world.

So take a minute today, and give your self some love. You are beautiful, you are worth it, and you are capable of your biggest dreams!