
One of my favorite quotes that I have been seeing a lot more is this, "If it makes you happy, it doesn't need to make sense to anyone else." It is so simple, yet full of complexity because of our natural desire to be included and wanted. It is SO much easier said than done! 
For me, it took some major life events to turn my life upside down and force me to realign with what truly makes me happy.  Not what makes me happy because I am making someone else feel good, but what truly fills my own cup with joy. My favorites that I have recently realigned with are my own personal dance parties, concerts, and time spent traveling! 
When I walked away from a relationship earlier this year, I remember feeling so intimidated by the thought of being alone. I have this habit of pouring into others when I want to avoid something that is going on in my life that I became so unfamiliar with myself. Sound familiar to anyone? 
This is something I am working on each and every day. I am working on being my very best friend, my #1 fan, and giving myself all of the love that I am so quick to give to others. It is so so hard and so very worth it. I am the happiest and most confident I have been in the longest time....maybe ever! 
I have found so much peace in the idea that the things that make me happy are not going to be the same as the things that make other people happy and that's perfectly okay. That is the beauty of this life and everyone being so different.

I hope you enjoy the little things today!

Progress over Perfection

It’s so interesting to see the progress and growth in myself that has occurred, specifically over the last few months..

After my workout I was laying at the pool and was thinking about this domain name. Love over fear EVERY day. Thinking about this made me realize that my perspective has significantly shifted. I don’t believe that I follow love over fear each and every day, but I have made it a goal for myself to try to.

It is in our human nature to act on fear. I was listening to a podcast the other day and they were talking about the time of the caveman. It was crucial that they woke up and immediately identified all or the things that could harm or kill them that day…their survival depended on it. Now we live in a significantly different world, but are naturally wired to find the bad and things that can hurt us. That fear is hard wired in.

This is exactly why thinking about love over fear every day…I remind myself that I will strive for this, but also give myself the grace because I’m human and I will continue to make mistakes along the way. 🙂

Until next time ❤

Time to show up for myself

It continues to blow my mind how easy it is to show up for others, but how hard it is to show up for myself. I would never imagine snoozing my alarm for work 10+ times if it was going to make me late, but when I set my alarm to work out in the morning, it is so difficult!

This is such a big sign to me that I need to focus on myself and remind myself that I am worth it and I can do this.

Anyone else run into this?

If you need a sign, here it is! The time is now. Not tomorrow, not in 5 minutes, now. This very second I challenge you to love yourself a little extra because you are so very worth it. 🙂

Checking In

Hey there,

This pandemic is definitely testing each of us in a variety of different ways. Just remember, it is perfectly okay if you are struggling with an obstacle that you thought you were completely over. **WE ARE IN A GLOBAL PANDEMIC** I promise it is okay not to be okay. If this is you, you are absolutely not alone.

For me, this pandemic has thrown a variety of challenges at my mental health that I have had to fight my way through. Thanks to a wonderful support system, I continue to show up each day to fight for myself because I am worth it. I am here to remind you that you are so very worth it and you are never alone!

So in the middle of these wild times I want to invite you to take a minute and recenter with me…

5 things you can see…I see my water bottle, my puppies, a table, a sloth picture, and hand sanitizer.

4 things you can touch…I can touch my keyboard, the seam on my hoodie, the cap of my water bottle, and my hair.

3 things you can hear….I hear New Girl on the TV, my puppies playing, and water running.

2 things you can smell…I smell chocolate on the table and my shampoo.

1 thing you can taste…I taste the chocolate that I just ate.

You are 100000% capable of anything that the world decides to throw at you!!

Excite yourself

Do any of you have those dreams or goals that get your heart racing in the best way? Those dreams that one little thought can make it feel like a hundred butterflies are flying around in your stomach?

I know I do. Here are some of mine.

  1. Build a successful blog.
  2. Become financially free.
  3. Travel Europe with Josh.
  4. Write a book.

Just to name a few…

These goals make me feel so giddy and excited!

I had an english teacher in high school that absolutely changed the game. He said that when you are 90 sitting on your porch in a rocking chair looking back on your life, be a person you will be proud of.

Achieve those dreams that sit in your heart and it will all pay off. We only get one life to live, so I know I am going to make it worth it!

It will always be worth it to go after your dreams with everything you have. You are truly capable of anything that you set your mind to do.

What are the dreams that you are going to dive in after? I would love to hear them!

Quarantine Thoughts

This is an extremely strange time right now….I don’t know about you all, but I felt like my life turned upside down when the stay at home order began. I had a really hard time the first week and half. I felt so stuck and would space out for a full hour at a time. I knew exactly what I could be doing, but my body was completely paralyzed.

Thankfully, Josh (my boyfriend) is amazing and helped me write down in the moment three solutions to help me get unstuck. Seems so simple right? Like why didn’t I do that on day 1 of feeling stuck?

It is HARD! This is one of the biggest stigmas around mental health that exists. People tell you things like “Just do it.” To those with anxiety, you are told “Just calm down.” To those with depression, you are told “Just think happy thoughts.” To those with eating disorders, you are told “Just eat more food.”. You are so much more than all of the stigmas out there, and you deserve the reminder that it is really really hard to make those positive changes to feel better.

The most important part is that you don’t get stuck in how hard it is. Give yourself the time to accept that and feel what you need to feel…..THEN make a plan. Simple small goals were and continue to be my best friend.

My three goals were to write, read, and move my body in some capacity once a day. I literally wrote out these three things on a post it and checked them off as I completed them each day.

Is everyday perfect? Not a chance.

Am I giving up? Nope.

Will I persevere? You bet!

This may sound silly to some, but whenever I had a negative thought pop into my head about completing any of these things, I said something positive about myself out loud. There is an underestimated magic in positive thought. We are so quick to hype others up, but what about ourselves? You my dear are so deserving of all of the love in the world.

So take a minute today, and give your self some love. You are beautiful, you are worth it, and you are capable of your biggest dreams!

3 Ways to Fill Your Cup

The past two weeks I personally was living with one single drop in my cup. I was barely pushing through, but this weekend allowed me to pause and really appreciate what helped me push through last week.

I just wanted to take a second and share 3 things that I did this weekend to fill my cup back up. I am so beyond ready for this week with a full cup and a full heart thanks to these things!

  1. Compliment yourself, not just in your thoughts. Whether it is on paper, or out loud give yourself an honest compliment. In general, we spend way too much time tearing a part our imperfections, and not enough time appreciating what makes us awesome!
  2. Make a list of what makes you feel genuinely happy, and then go do at least one thing on that list. Society often distorts our views of what truly makes us happy. We are told what should make us happy whether it is a baby, a significant other, money, etc, but then asked a million questions when we feel that something that makes us happy is out of the norm. You are in control of your own happiness! Even if it is for 5 minutes, pick one thing from your list, and go do it. You will thank yourself later!
  3. Do something nice for someone else. Take a second to find someone in your life that needs some love. Whether it is a hug, offering to talk, or holding a door, the reality of the situation is helping people makes us feel good too! It is a win win situation. You get to make someone else feel good while also filling your cup up. Volunteering is also another wonderful option! 🙂

Your cup does not have to remain empty, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. All you can do is start somewhere to get the positivity flowing back into your cup!

Thank you all for your love and continued support!!

Defeat does not mean failure

Have you ever been so overwhelmed that you literally feel stuck? Like someone poured cement to keep you stuck in place…Frozen just hoping that someone will come shove you back into reality.

Sometimes it comes after the highest highs and sometimes it will follow the lowest lows. It is almost like some force out there is just watching and decides BAM here’s a gigantic mountain of an emotional obstacle for you to overcome.

One of the most important things we can do is communicate. In these moments, it often feels the easiest to disengage. The best thing we can do is to reach out to anyone and ask for help.

As cool as it would be, no one can read our minds in these moments. Remind yourself that you are capable of this communication no matter how stuck you feel.

You are capable of so many things!

Every single one of you is the only you out there. You are unique and have this beautiful opportunity to make a positive impact on the world each day.

Sometimes you may feel so defeated that there is no light to be seen at the end of the tunnel. Just remember, you will find the light. Remember that the ones you love are here to help. 🙂

Defeat=A clean slate, embrace it!

Coping with Stress

I am going to be really honest friends…..I have not been my best self this past week and a half. A LOT of life happened, and I went into survival mode to make it through by whatever means necessary. Unhealthy coping with stress and disengagement came in many forms….

Isn’t it crazy how one single life event can knock us straight to the floor? I often think that these moments exist to open our eyes to all of the things we have to work hard for. This is when we have this amazing opportunity to re-discover our why. This weekend was accompanied by much re-discovery.

Going into this week I have two choices.

  1. Make the active decision to make healthy choices and be the best version of my self every day despite the events life throws at me.
  2. Continue to let the disengagement and stress overwhelm/negatively affect my life and those around me.

I am choosing to do everything in my power to live my life by #1 this week.

Going into Monday, think about how you are going to approach tomorrow. Are you going to hit snooze over and over, or will you choose to be your best self to positively impact the world in any way possible?

Positive thinking literally has the power to change the world and the decision falls in our hands each day. I challenge you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and create a positive impact in your life tomorrow. 🙂

You won’t regret it!

Give yourself time

This one hits home for me today. For those of you that have been following my fitness journey, I have really been focused on committing to showing up every day.

Just recently, I started a new program and I was on cloud nine. I could finally push myself, and was drenched in sweat by the end of each workout. It made me feel alive.

Then….my back started to hurt and I had to hit the pause button. Right now, stretching is really the most I can do, and it is so difficult.

I think we have all been there though. Have you ever poured your heart and soul into something, then been catapulted to square 1?

The things that are important to remember….

The hardwork is not lost.

There is so much love surrounding you, especially in these times.

This is the best place where growth and patience are developed.

Give yourself grace, and give your self time.

So, here I go taking my own advice. I am taking a deep breath, taking things day by day, leaning on my support system, and most importantly giving myself time.

Until next time friends…Remember you are so very loved.

Have a fantastic week!