One of my favorite quotes that I have been seeing a lot more is this, "If it makes you happy, it doesn't need to make sense to anyone else." It is so simple, yet full of complexity because of our natural desire to be included and wanted. It is SO much easier said than done!
For me, it took some major life events to turn my life upside down and force me to realign with what truly makes me happy. Not what makes me happy because I am making someone else feel good, but what truly fills my own cup with joy. My favorites that I have recently realigned with are my own personal dance parties, concerts, and time spent traveling!
When I walked away from a relationship earlier this year, I remember feeling so intimidated by the thought of being alone. I have this habit of pouring into others when I want to avoid something that is going on in my life that I became so unfamiliar with myself. Sound familiar to anyone?
This is something I am working on each and every day. I am working on being my very best friend, my #1 fan, and giving myself all of the love that I am so quick to give to others. It is so so hard and so very worth it. I am the happiest and most confident I have been in the longest time....maybe ever!
I have found so much peace in the idea that the things that make me happy are not going to be the same as the things that make other people happy and that's perfectly okay. That is the beauty of this life and everyone being so different.
I hope you enjoy the little things today!