Progress over Perfection

It’s so interesting to see the progress and growth in myself that has occurred, specifically over the last few months..

After my workout I was laying at the pool and was thinking about this domain name. Love over fear EVERY day. Thinking about this made me realize that my perspective has significantly shifted. I don’t believe that I follow love over fear each and every day, but I have made it a goal for myself to try to.

It is in our human nature to act on fear. I was listening to a podcast the other day and they were talking about the time of the caveman. It was crucial that they woke up and immediately identified all or the things that could harm or kill them that day…their survival depended on it. Now we live in a significantly different world, but are naturally wired to find the bad and things that can hurt us. That fear is hard wired in.

This is exactly why thinking about love over fear every day…I remind myself that I will strive for this, but also give myself the grace because I’m human and I will continue to make mistakes along the way. 🙂

Until next time ❤