Defeat does not mean failure

Have you ever been so overwhelmed that you literally feel stuck? Like someone poured cement to keep you stuck in place…Frozen just hoping that someone will come shove you back into reality.

Sometimes it comes after the highest highs and sometimes it will follow the lowest lows. It is almost like some force out there is just watching and decides BAM here’s a gigantic mountain of an emotional obstacle for you to overcome.

One of the most important things we can do is communicate. In these moments, it often feels the easiest to disengage. The best thing we can do is to reach out to anyone and ask for help.

As cool as it would be, no one can read our minds in these moments. Remind yourself that you are capable of this communication no matter how stuck you feel.

You are capable of so many things!

Every single one of you is the only you out there. You are unique and have this beautiful opportunity to make a positive impact on the world each day.

Sometimes you may feel so defeated that there is no light to be seen at the end of the tunnel. Just remember, you will find the light. Remember that the ones you love are here to help. 🙂

Defeat=A clean slate, embrace it!

Coping with Stress

I am going to be really honest friends…..I have not been my best self this past week and a half. A LOT of life happened, and I went into survival mode to make it through by whatever means necessary. Unhealthy coping with stress and disengagement came in many forms….

Isn’t it crazy how one single life event can knock us straight to the floor? I often think that these moments exist to open our eyes to all of the things we have to work hard for. This is when we have this amazing opportunity to re-discover our why. This weekend was accompanied by much re-discovery.

Going into this week I have two choices.

  1. Make the active decision to make healthy choices and be the best version of my self every day despite the events life throws at me.
  2. Continue to let the disengagement and stress overwhelm/negatively affect my life and those around me.

I am choosing to do everything in my power to live my life by #1 this week.

Going into Monday, think about how you are going to approach tomorrow. Are you going to hit snooze over and over, or will you choose to be your best self to positively impact the world in any way possible?

Positive thinking literally has the power to change the world and the decision falls in our hands each day. I challenge you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and create a positive impact in your life tomorrow. 🙂

You won’t regret it!